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Everything posted by SatoshiwoIf

  1. I dont have the link though... was just informed about the challenge when i shared this ss
  2. 5x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GO6N2WPLGHLF 15x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GO6S5CWUAFIR 25x https://bc.game/sd/?sd=10GOE6HLM3HEDV
  3. hard to believe that 13 btt is 5 cents now... cant say I didnt see that coming a mile away. nice multi
  4. well... looks like I've got 1 week to work from just recharges and aim for a multiplier like I've got on my profile banner or better. I'll certainly give it al the hell I can muster up and either do something impressive, or go down in a blazing fireball 5 cents at a time.
  5. who the hell actually reads these anyway...

    https://oxygenbank.onelink.me/vjPj/2fc6d87b  👀

    ☝️click that shit
                           download that shit☝️
    ☝️ sign up for that shit☝️
                                                             🤚spend that shit.✋


  6. Well ill just keep editing this one as the tasks are completed in no particular order... starting with task 2, found the sentence. placeholder list: - complete - - - - - - Found the line "Encourage miners to mine" - free point - complete - - - - - - - - Complete -- - - - Complete - - - -- I found the Jokerizer before it was available, being first @Coco_Father I proclaim this the Jokerizer mode bonus win - - - - - -- - - - complete -done - done, (hard to believe it was that fast) -I told @Coconuta but I doubt I'll ever hear back. I'll tell you as well @Coco_Father when I see you online.--- scratch that, I told Muffin. - -
  7. well im stilllll rolling along... every 10 mins.. at least with the min bet being 10 cents its either I flip my recharge to allow at least 10+ rolls per recharge.. or just take the chance on 10 cent/max bidding each recharge either way... I sure hope I land at least 1 26x by tomorrow... i mean... I dont think I would be me if I didnt get 1 multi that low in keno... but... considering my past few weeks.. hell even my birthday turned into a catastrophe.. I need to just antistrophe now
  8. same here, you might wanna consider adjusting your bet by halving it 1 or 5 times,in an effort to allow the opportunity to hit the multiplier at the bid requirement even if those wont place you at a qualifying position, you will have an awful lot better chance after like 20-40 bids to make a small budget into a workable one.
  9. you and I both... so nobody's posted a win aside from your 2? i wont give up til I get at least a photo-op for one, even if it means I dont place
  10. thats like 10.74 cents each right now... soo... about 2.09 trx 0.1074usdt 1.92 doge
  11. dammmmnnnn Daniel, look at those ... nvm... been dying with the eth recharges getting only 3 clicks in every 20 mins... whats the minimum amts required?
  12. also... that was a glitch that i like to have fun with.. i totally wagered TRTL but switched to eth in the middle of a roll... fuckin' wish i had that much eth to gamble with lol im sure i'd lose it all had I clicked that 1 bet
  13. @Coco_Fatheri didn't know multiple entries were a thing im sticking with my first entry, but wanted to share this... been in keno single since i.. became single... but, I GOT A CHRISTMAS TREE! I GOT A CHRISTMAS TREE!!
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