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BCGame_Maxim last won the day on September 29

BCGame_Maxim had the most liked content!

About BCGame_Maxim

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  1. I got 4th in the 2,000 bcd giveaway and Cloud 9 jersey giveaway and I was wondering if I filled out the google doc form and if not is it too late to get the jersey? Wanted to send it to my lil bro in college if I can change the address still too

    1. BCGame_Maxim


      @RickyBobby033 Unfortunately, your entry isn't valid this time. You missed two deadlines to fill out the form, and the data has already been finalized and forwarded.

      We wish you the best of luck and hope you win big in the next events!

    2. RickyBobby033


      All good, thanks for getting back to me 

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